Agrotourism Romania
People started to be more thoughtful of their vacation, the turisment becoming one of the frecvent hobby in world. Once with the first tendintions of relaxation of the vacations in the middle of mother nature, the tourists number starting to grow that wanted to have the vacation party in a rural enviroment. The Romanian rural space is renamed carpatho-danubiano-pontic because it is carpatic in relief, the Dunare threw the hydrografic and pontic network with the opening in the Black Sea. Intalkable, this "geographic personality" must be doublet in time with turistic vocation.
The Carpathians mountains chain represents a special role for the weather, water, wealth, vegetation, fauna, sands, etc. He has the central position and fortress form or ring, because of this come-next-after the rest of the relief formes. But what confers this place are the impresionant views: the traceryes from the tale in chartic formes in chalcarous regions, cercuses and glacial valleys, empty peaks, novelty or weird forms of the rocks.

The temperate continental climate, the radiating network of rivers that spring from the carpatic chain, mineral waters and termat with curative proprieties, the pasture and the fountains, the deciduous and young forests , lakes and ponds, Dunarea and her Delta, the everglades and the plains built up separate or at the meeting point, views with a powerfull personality, full of warming people witch come along with them.

The Romanian Territory prezents a big variety of cultural historic values - popular arts, etnographics, folklore, traditions, historic vestiges, a natural harmonious background combined with a variated and picturesque fond view. All of this are the valents of the romanian rural tourisment in a special mode.