Seaside Resorts Black Sea Romania
Costinesti - summery spa, located at 28 km. south of the city of Constanta, called "The Youth", with large beach with fine sand. The Costinesti has bases grement modern, here are held numerous cultural and artistic events and issues here all post Radio Holiday. Access to the resort is done by train - Costinesti station, located on the route Bucharest - Constanta and Mangalia-road, DN 39 from Constanta.
Mamaia - the largest and famous resort in Romania, located in the northern city of Constanta, called Pearl of romanian seaside, is a sector of fine sand beach, which lies on a length of about 8 km. on the western side of it being Ovidiu lake. The Beach has numerous hotels, outdoor pools, discos, recreational parks, sports and a summer theater. The Mamaia offer the opportunity for practicing water sports and fishing in Lake Mamaia.
Eforie Nord - permanent spa, located at 14 km. south of Constanta, between Techirghiol Lake and the Black Sea. The second largest resort of Romanian seaside, is famous for its curative treatment, the resort having two permanent basis treatment, possessing equipment for warm baths with salt water from the Lake Techirghiol or the Black Sea. Beach resort that stretches about 3 km. offers sports, swimming pools and other facilities for water sports practice.
Eforie Sud - spa located 18 km. south of Constanta, which lies on a length of about 2 km. along the Black Sea. The resort was a sanatorium reumatologic permanent and another to treat rachitis, which operates only in the high season, both for children. Attractions resort are discos Eforie Sud, theatre outdoors, and many others.
Mangalia - balneo-climateric permanent resort, located 44 km from Constanta, founded by Greeks in sec. VI I.Hr. VI I.Hr. is the most southern resort on the Black Sea coast and is the only maritime resort owner sulphurous mineral springs, mesothermal and radiation, used since antiquity. Plettenberg Bay has a basis of treatment with medical departments recovery, warm baths water, mud treatments, kinetotherapy, hydrotherapy, gyms and medical cabinets geriatrics. The main attractions of the resort are the Museum of Archaeology, Esmahan Sultan Mosque, collection Mercurius, the vestiges of Roman-Byzantine, and everything here can be practical and horsemanship.
Jupiter and Cap Aurora - summery resorts, located at 40 km. Municipality of Constanta, between the Black Sea coast and Forest Comorova. The Cap Aurora is the latest resort on the Romanian coast, which attracts many tourists coming here for the beach with fine sand, sports, theater and cinama outdoors, swimming pools, discos, and for walks with the Lake Boat Tismana.
Neptun-Olimp - spa located 6 km from Mangalia, a sector sand between the Black Sea and Comorova forest, offering an oasis of peace in the Romanian seaside landscape. A truly modern tourist complex, the resort has hotels and villas special, tennis courts, riding, landing for a ride on the lake, and numerous clubs and entertainment parks. In May resort to learn and also a basis for treatment that offers electrotherapy, mud treatments, hydrotherapy, medical gyms, sauna.
Saturn - is a summery spa, located at 1 km. of Mangalia, which enjoys most days in the sun, sea water reaching an average temperature during the summer about 25 degrees C, and has an outdoor theater, sports, villas and hotels, land riding.
Venus - summery spa, located 5 km. of Mangalia, bearing the name goddess beauty, with hotels built in an architectural style apart.
Techirghiol - permanent spa, located at 18 km. of Constanta, on the banks of the lake Techirghiol. The main features of the resort are salt water and mud sapropelical lake, being here five bases treatment with warm baths with salt water from the lake, mud treatments, aerosols and hydrotherapy.